Thursday, July 16, 2020

Who Wrote This?

America’s Beloved President Trump

by _______?

The relationship of the American people to the President is always a source of pride for Americans and of great surprise for foreigners. Nowhere else in the world does one find such fanatic love on the part of millions of people for a person, a love that is not exaggerated or hasty, but rather grows from deep and great faith, the kind of lasting confidence children may have in a very good father.

There have been emperors and kings, rulers and heroes, usurpers and terrorists, intelligent and important leaders at the heads of nations, but never before has there been something so simple as this: a President Donald Trump. This is unique in the history of the world, and the American people have the good fortune to have him. If one fails to understand this, he understands nothing about the American people, nor why people’s eyes glow, their voices shout, their arms rise, their hearts beat faster, when Donald Trump appears before the American people. From these outward signs of the steady and mysterious connection between the President and people, Donald Trump receives the strength he needs for new works, and the people receive power from his gaze…

For a Trump mass meeting in a southern American city, tens of thousands of Trump fans formed rows along the streets. The further along, the closer the rows got to each other until there was only enough room for the car to squeeze through. At first all went well. Suddenly, however, there was a great tumult, and although the torch-bearers in the front tried to hold the fans back, they were forced forward by the pressure. Their flickering torches showed the President in the car, and both smoke and passionate jubilation surrounded the President and his followers. It was lucky they did not light fire to the cars. It took fifteen minutes to free the President from the throng of enthusiastic fans…

Who wrote it?

Only the name of the leader, his nation and his title have been changed in this translated excerpt from the 1939 essay about Adolph Hitler, the German Führer entitled (in English), “The Führer and the German People”.

The source: Otto Dietrich, “Der Führer und das deutsche Volk,” Adolf Hitler. Bilder aus dem Leben des Führers (Hamburg: Cigaretten/Bilderdienst Hamburg/Bahrenfeld, 1936, pp. 19-26.

What changed?  The German Constitution!

Note: Hitler was subject to the constitution of the Weimar Republic that declared Germany to be a democratic parliamentary republic with a legislature elected under proportional representation. Universal suffrage was established, with a minimum voting age of 20. The constitution technically remained in effect throughout the Nazi era from 1933 to 1945. But after the Reichstag Fire Decree, the Enabling Act of 1933 amended the Weimar Constitution to allow Hitler and his government to enact laws (even laws violating the constitution) without going through the Reichstag. Nazi intimidation of the opposition resulted in a vote of 444 to 94 to enact the Enabling Act.

The current authority of the U. S. President is “limited” by the U. S. Constitution.  If the President is “Enabled” to exceed those limits, he could, for example, annihilate millions like Hitler.